Suroh is a young Skywing Elf whose family was held captive by the Bloodmoon Huntress. He is part of a nomadic group of Skywing Elves who travel through Xadia.[1]
Suroh is a young Skywing Elf with gray-blue skin and light gray, arrow-like markings stretching over his cheeks and upper arms. As often found in his elven race, his ears are split into two parts and his brown horns curl back like those of a ram. His dark blue hair is messy and reaches down to his neck, splitting into two sections at his forehead, while a single strand sticks out at the top of his scalp. His eyes are colored in a hue of green and are accompanied by dark blue, thick eyebrows. He also has a big, round nose. Suroh's clothing consists of a mustard-colored T-shirt topped by a blue, open tunic that is fit around his waist with a brown belt, as well as a pair of baggy gray pants. His legs are bandaged and he wears brown, simple shoes.[1]
Suroh is a friendly boy who is not afraid to ask for help when in need. He loves his family deeply and generally appears as a cheerful person once out of danger.[1]
Skills and Abilities[]
Sky Primal Connection[]
As a Skywing Elf, Suroh draws power from the Sky and is at his strongest during a storm and at high altitudes.
Physical Skills[]
Suroh is able to dislocate his fingers at command, allowing him to slip out of restraints such as rope.[1]
Bloodmoon Huntress[]
Suroh meets Rayla in the Moonshadow Forest after escaping from the clutches of the Bloodmoon Huntress, who is holding his family captive. He explains that their caravan had been attacked and that his family and travel companions had become part of a ritual involving blood sacrifices, and that he only managed to escape thanks to dislocating his fingers. Despite being promised help by Rayla who hurries to fetch Runaan and Ethari, Suroh stays behind outside the Silvergrove, no longer able to trust Moonshadow Elves after what has transpired.
Rayla later stumbles upon Suroh once again at the mausoleum used as a lair by the Bloodmoon Huntress. Upon looking inside the building, he watches his parents as next in line for the sacrifices and yells out, alarming the sorceress to their presence. While Rayla distracts the Bloodmoon Huntress, Suroh manages to free his parents and escapes the mausoleum with them. However, as she once more gets a hold of him, he is fortunately freed through a collaborative effort of Runaan and Ethari, and is able to move on with his family.[1]
- Suroh's name shares a similarity with the name "Surah", which is Arabic for "highness of status", "highness of rank", or "glory".[2]