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The Dragon Prince Wiki
The Dragon Prince Wiki
The Dragon Prince Wiki


Pharos was born at an unknown point in Lux Aurea and became the Sunfire High Priest and a loyal retainer of Queen Khessa.[1]

First Saga[]

Pharos aided Khessa in judging Amaya after the captured Katolian general was brought into the throne room by Janai and Kazi. When Amaya's pure heart was revealed, the Sunfire Queen decided to spare her.[1] Several days later when Viren requested a safe passage through Xadia in exchange for the knowledge of Queen Aditi's fate, Pharos judged Viren as unworthy and followed Khessa in cleansing the dark mage at the Sunforge. However, this proved to be a trap when Aaravos's caterpillar familiar emerged from Viren's mouth and bit Pharos's neck, which allowed the Startouch Elf to temporarily possess the Sunfire High Priest and corrupt the Sunforge.[2]

Second Saga[]

Pharos somehow managed to survive Aaravos's possession and the fall of Lux Aurea before he ran into the banished Prince Karim in the middle of a desert two years later. The former Sunfire High Priest pledged his allegiance to Karim, which inspired the latter to wage war against Janai.[3] However, Pharos was still infected by Aaravos's corruption and did his best to hide it from Karim.[4] Pharos eventually accompanied Karim to Sol Regem and attempted to beseech the Archdragon of the Sun in reclaiming the power he lost. When Sol Regem refused, Pharos followed Karim on a quest of restoring the Archdragon's eyes.[5] Pharos was slightly disturbed that Karim decided to enlist the aid of the Bloodmoon Huntress to steal Janai's Sun Seed, but he relented after he encountered the blood-drinking Moonshadow Elf.[4] After the Bloodmoon Huntress abducted Janai, Pharos informed Amaya, Corvus, Gren, Kazi, and the Six Horns that they could ransom her in exchange for Miyana delivering the Sun Seed. Amaya decided to disguise herself as Miyana and brought a tied up Pharos to Karim before she rescued Janai. The empty-handed Karim and Pharos were forced to flee,[6] only to be surprised to see Miyana siding with them by delivering both the Sun Seed and an army.[7]

Pharos listened to Karim's speech of restoring the old glory of the Sunfire Elves[8] before they and Miyana presented the Sun Seed to Sol Regem, who commanded them to heal his wings instead of his eyes.[9] Pharos aided Karim in using the Sun Seed to perform the spell that restored Sol Regem's wings before serving as the Archdragon's eyes. However, Pharos tricked Sol Regem into attacking Katolis instead of helping Karim's forces because he had been dead since the fall of Lux Aurea, and Aaravos possessed his body as a vessel.[10] When Aaravos revealed the fate of Aithne Solaire, the furious Sol Regem devoured before choking on Pharos's corpse.[11]

Book Three - Sun[]


Pharos stands by Queen Khessa's side when Janai and Kazi brings the captured Amaya before them. Khessa initially ordered Amaya to be disposed off, but after Janai convinced her to spare the human's life, the Sunfire Queen orders Pharos to subject Amaya to "the Light". Khessa then chooses to spare Amaya's life when the latter's nature is revealed to be pure of heart.

Hearts of Cinder[]

Pharos stands by Queen Khessa's side when Viren arrives to request a safe passage through Xadia in exchange for the revelation of Queen Aditi's fate. Khessa, however, does not trust Viren and orders Pharos to subject the usurping King of Katolis to "the Light". Once the dark magic corruption inside Viren is revealed, Khessa and Pharos decide to bring him to the Sunforge to be cleansed.

Pharos initiates the cleansing ritual on Viren when Aaravos's caterpillar familiar emerges from Viren's mouth and leaps onto the Sunfire High Priest. After the caterpillar bit Pharos's neck, Aaravos possesses his body to successfully corrupt the Sunforge and kills Khessa before departing. Pharos's unconscious body then drops to the floor after Aaravos released his hold.

Book Five - Ocean[]

Nightmares & Revelations[]

Pharos starts to walk towards the banished Karim after seeing him wandering in the horizon of a desert alone. Karim initially believed that Pharos was an assassin sent by Janai and ran for cover before threatening to attack the latter with a rock. Pharos reveals his true identity to Karim before he gives his water canteen to the parched prince. Pharos confesses that he followed Karim willingly and pledges his allegiance, inspiring the latter to lead the Sunfire Elves back to glory.

The Great Bookery[]

Pharos accompanies Karim to a cave where they find a sleeping Sol Regem. The former Sunfire High Priest can only watch as Karim fails to beseech the Archdragon of the Sun in reclaiming his rightful place as the King of the Dragons. After departing from the cave, Pharos despairs at their failure. However, Karim tells Pharos that not all hope is lost, for they will embark on a quest of restoring Sol Regem's eyes.

Archmage Akiyu[]

As Pharos and Karim venture into the Moonshadow Forest, the latter reveals that they are going to steal Janai's Sun Seed to restore Sol Regem's eyes. Karim also explains that they will enlist the help of Kim'dael, the blood-drinking Moonshadow Elf who was forced to serve the royal family of Lux Aurea after she was captured by Queen Aditi. When Karim uses his magic to summon Kim'dael inside her mausoleum, the anxious Pharos questions the idea of seeking the assistance of an entity of such evil ilk before he is pinned against a pillar by the Bloodmoon Huntress herself. Before Kim'dael can kill Pharos, Karim reveals his identity and commands her to help them before promising that he will release her from her debt in return.

Finnegrin's Wake[]

After Kim'dael abducted Janai, Pharos arrives at the Sunfire Elf camp and is quickly branded as a traitor by his own people. Pharos then presents Karim's ultimatum to Amaya, Gren, and the Six Horns: have Miyana deliver the Sun Seed or Janai will be killed. Amaya refuses to comply and disguises herself as Miyana to deliver a tied up Pharos back to Karim. A skirmish ensues that ends with Pharos releasing himself from his bonds and escaping with Karim empty-handed after Kim'dael departed on her own free will.

Infantis Sanguine[]

Pharos and Karim are sulking around their campfire when they notice Miyana delivering the Sun Seed to them. Miyana tells Karim that she never lost faith in him and brought an army to help them in their war against Janai.

Book Six - Stars[]

Love, War & Mushrooms[]

Pharos and Miyana stand alongside Karim as he makes a rousing speech to his followers about restoring the Sunfire Elves' old glory.

The Starscraper[]

Pharos, Karim, and Miyana venture into Sol Regem's cave to present the Sun Seed that they will use to restore his eyes. However, Sol Regem claims he no longer needs to see and commands them to heal his wings instead so they can rain fiery justice down upon their enemies.

The Red Wedding[]

After Miyana used her horn to summon Sol Regem, Pharos and Karim use the Sun Seed to perform the spell that heals the Archdragon's wings. Pharos mounts Sol Regem to serve as the latter's eyes. But instead of helping Karim's followers in the battle against Janai's army, Pharos guides Sol Regem to Katolis, for Aaravos has always possessed the Sunfire Elf's body as a vessel.

We All Fall Down[]

Pharos continues to remain on Sol Regem as the Archdragon uses his fire breath to burn Katolis. The gravely wounded Sol Regem eventually retreats to the Valley of the Graves, where Aaravos reveals himself. When the enraged Sol Regem learns that he inadvertently buried his beloved mate, Aithne Solaire, alive, he devoured Pharos's corpse before choking on it.


