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The Dragon Prince Wiki
The Dragon Prince Wiki
The Dragon Prince Wiki

The lands of Xadia are full of magical creatures, and some still remain in the the Human Kingdoms even after the division of the continent. All of these creatures are connected to one of the six Primal Sources (the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, the Sky, and the Ocean), which allows them to naturally harness magical energy from their respective source.

Dark magic, however, uses the essence within magical creatures to unleash dark and powerful spells.[1]

Abyssal Whales[]

Abyssal Whales are whale-like creatures that are rumored to live in the deserts of Neolandia.[2]


Adoraburrs are small, fuzzy, and colorful creatures, with six subspecies that correspond to each of the Primal Sources.[3] They are highly communal creatures that can thrive in almost any Xadian ecosystem, but they are primarily found just east of the Border, in the shady comfort of the Moonshadow Forest. Moonshadow Elves are particularly fond of them.[4] Multiple Adoraburrs will stick together.[5]


Amblers are among the largest magical creatures in Xadia and are connected to the Earth Primal. They can be used as mounts to travel across the Midnight Desert. They have long necks, tails, and legs, as well as two toes on each foot. Amblers appear rather mammalian due to having fur and long floppy ears. Their tremendous size allows their riders to evade the vicious creatures that lurk on the desert's surface, such as Soulfang Serpents. Their immense size also allows them to resist the bite of the Soulfang Serpents, as many Soulfang Serpents are struggling to bring down a single Ambler, even after several minutes of constant attacks.[6]

Ancient White Stags[]

No information besides name available yet.[7]

Archangel Lunaris[]

Archangel Lunaris are giant moon moths that are connected to the Moon Primal. They are used to track sources of moon energy, especially creatures that are connected to the moon. An Archangel Lunaris was used by Soren in an attempt to find the camp of the Moonshadow Elf assassins.[8] When combined with dark magic, three Archangel Lunaris can be used to create an illusion of a person, as shown by Claudia when creating a duplicate of Viren during the battle at the Storm Spire.[9] They are based on real-life luna moths. They also live in the Silvergrove and come out in a swarm in hot summer nights.[10]


Banthers are mammalian creatures that resemble a mix of a panther and a bear and are native to Xadia and the kingdom of Katolis. They have black fur with gray markings, long feline tails, and are of a size comparable to large horses. They are far less ferocious than they appear, as Ezran was able to befriend several throughout his adventures, including asking two of them to give him, Bait, and Corvus a ride back to the castle in Katolis's capital.[11] According to Ezran, they like praise, compliments, and a friendly scratch under the chin now and then.[12] The Banther Lodge of Katolis is named after these creatures.

Blood Corals[]

Blood Corals are blood-red corals that are connected to the Ocean Primal. Their pieces serve as ingredients for dark magic spells that can be used to heal the sick and purify contaminated water.[13]

Bluebrow Geckos[]

Bluebrow Geckos are gecko-like creatures with blue tendrils above their eyes and a tail with a blue-colored fin at the tip that extends as they age. They can also be used as mounts.[14][10]

Bluffgruff Goats[]

Bluffgruff goats are goat-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal. According to Claudia, their best features are their faces and ears, which can be used as an ingredient in six different dark magic spells.[10]

Bog Hyenas[]

Bog Hyenas are hyena-like creatures overgrown with kelp that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They are native to the kingdom of Evenere, where they use the swamplands to ambush unsuspecting prey, to the point where it is common for humans to lose a limb to them.[2]


Brightbells are small, raven-like birds that are connected to the Sky Primal that are bright blue and yellow in color. By adapting to the language of elves or humans, it aims to find a favorite word.[2]


Bumble-Scorps are insects resembling a mix of a wasp and a scorpion. They buzz and flail their scorps when attacking, though they will only attack humans who are alone.[15]

Burrow Bugs[]

Burrow Bugs are insect-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal.[16]


Burrowbeasts are rodent-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal. They are native to the Drakewood and their skulls can be used in a dark magic spell that allows its caster to dig underground.[17]

Candle Beetles[]

Candle Beetles are beetle-like creatures.[16]


Cappycorns are capybara-like creatures with a single horn on their forehead.[10] Their name is inspired by the astrological sign "Capricorn".

Carrion Gulls[]

Carrion Gulls are large predatory seabirds that live in and around the tide pools of Xadia. They are large enough to view elves and humans as prey. They also seem to have some form of kinship with Giant Sea Slugs that they keep as companions in their nests.[18]

Cascader Skinks[]

Cascader Skinks are lizards native to the kingdom of Neolandia that copy the image of a spot they previously stood at on their scales.[2]


Chlormeleons are lizard-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal which are able to shapeshift into any plant.[2] Their skin is blue and their large, round eyes are orange. Leaf-life growths spring from the bridge of their noses and shoulders, and replace a regular tail. Their feet are frog-like, reminding of an amphibian, while the sides of their heads are horned. Juvenile Chlormeleons are often mistaken for baby dragons.[10]

Crackle Birds[]

Crackle Birds are bird-like creatures that are occasionally found in the Moonshadow Forest. Their eggs are sometimes consumed by Moonshadow Elves.[19]

Crescentpillar Worms[]

Crescentpillar worms are rare worms that are connected to the Moon Primal that live for several decades. They are soundless creatures who, only before they die, spin some silk.[2]


Cuddlemonkeys are six-legged lemur-like creatures that are connected to each of the Primal Sources.[2]


Curlcorals are coral-like creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal capable of creating coral reefs. They are capable of creating a kind of highly rare coral that is as tough as steel, has razor-sharp nodes bubbling from its surface, and has regenerative powers. If shattered, it can regrow within two days.[2]


Deer are herbivorous mammals that live in forests of Katolis. When their essence is harvested, it can be used in a dark magic spell that can heal a person from paralysis.[12]


Dragons are powerful reptilian beings that can live for centuries and possess deep connections with the Primal Sources. They rule the lands of Xadia alongside the elves, and the most powerful of their race is crowned King or Queen of the Dragons. Their horns, earwax, and snot are often harvested as ingredients for dark magic spells.[14]

Dream Wardens[]

Dream Wardens are massive dragon-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal. They resemble a chimera of different creatures such as Banthers, bats, deer, lions, and wolves. Dream Wardens are invisible to adults, can enter dreams and transform them into nightmares, and they traditionally are against forming bonds with mortals. They can also create storms and put mortals to sleep with their breath. Aspects of the Dream Warden will separate and physically manifest as animals when they are frightened.[16]

Durenian Bees[]

Durenian Bees are native to the kingdom of Duren, whose dances have special meanings. Subspecies include the Bluebell Dusk Bee and the Crystal Sasser Bee.[2] Their wax can be used to craft Shadowlife Candles.[20]

Earthen Creatures[]

These unnamed creatures are connected to the Earth Primal and inhabit the dark caves of Umber Tor. They possess gray and brown rocky skin, long limbs, a long tail, four yellow eyes, sharp teeth and claws, as well as anglerfish-like lure to bait potential prey. They use echolocation to navigate through the darkness and they detest any form of unfamiliar light.[21]

Eight-Legged Water Striders[]

Eight-Legged Water Striders are insect-like creatures that live in the Evenere swamplands.[2]


Elks are deer-like mammals that live in the wilderness of Del Bar and are usually hunted for food during the winter.[2]


Elves are humanoid beings that are divided into six subspecies, each corresponding to the different Primal Sources. Each subspecies have their respective societies but are united for the most part. They rule the lands of Xadia alongside the dragons.

Emberback Spiders[]

Emberback Spiders are spiders with flame-like patterns on their abdomens that are connected to the Sun Primal. Their essence can be used to cast a dark magic spell that conjures a small flame, which will jump onto the caster's intended target.[22] They are also considered to be rare.[23] Sunfire Elves respect these spiders when coming across them.[2]

Eon-Mawed Megagators[]

Eon-Mawed Megagators are alligator-like creatures native to the swamplands of Evenere, said to grow as large as islands with teeth as thick as trees. Their age can be determined by the rings inside one of their many teeth, similar to the rings of a tree, and their life expectancy reaches centuries. These creatures are equipped with several rows of teeth that grow scattered across their maw area, a spiked spine, as well as individual sets of eyes and teeth appearing on random spots of their scaled bodies.[2]

Eyeless Vipers[]

Eyeless Vipers are snake-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. Their venom can be extracted to create true-sight serums on moonless nights.[24]


Fairies are creatures that can be used as an ingredient in dark magic pancakes.[25]

Ferocious Lions[]

No information besides name available yet.[7]


Firehawks are bird-like creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. It is said that Skywing Elves that are born with their feathers can thrive beneath the summer sun.[10]

Flame Leviathans[]

Flame Leviathans are gigantic fiery creatures that serve as omen for an upcoming volcano eruption, though have not been sighted in centuries.[2]

Floof Moles[]

Floof Moles are mole-like creatures.[16]

Flying Batfish[]

Flying Batfish are creatures resembling a mix of a bat and a fish that are connected to the Sky Primal. They are native to Evenere.[2]

Fuzz-Fur Scorpions[]

Fuzz-Fur Scorpions are creatures resembling scorpions with fur. Their essence can be used to cast a dark magic spell that can soften the surface of any solid objects.[26]

Giant Hermit Crabs[]

Giant Hermit Crabs are massive crustaceans that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They have a lifespan of at least 40 years,[27] and they are both large enough and strong enough to occupy huge ships as their shells.[28] They are also able to use their claws to battle leviathans and krakens.[27] Sailors can tame and take advantage of the Giant Hermit Crabs that use ships as their shells, since the massive crustaceans will provide them swift-moving vessels with the ability to sail without wind. In some cases, the Giant Hermit Crabs can also allow ships to safely sail through jagged rocks and wreckage simply by climbing over them.[28]

Giant Sea Slugs[]

Giant Sea Slugs are large slug-like creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They live in the tide pools of Xadia and according to Ezran, they are calm and gentle creatures that possess a rich inner life. They also seem to have some form of kinship with Carrion Gulls that keep them as companions in their nests.[18]

Glow Toads[]

Glow Toads are perpetually grumpy toad-like and dog-sized creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. They glow in a variety of different colors in accordance with their mood and can also make themselves glow bright enough to temporarily blind people.[29] They are also apparently delicious and are used as bait by deep-sea fishermen.[30][31] Despite this, they are remarkably intelligent and trainable pets.[8] They can also be used as an ingredient for soup.[10]


Greenfish are fish-like creatures whose droppings can be used as ingredients for dark magic spells.[24]


Griffins / Gryphons are winged, four-legged, bird-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal.[2] They are known to be poached for their eyes, feathers, and talons, which serve as ingredients for dark magic spells.[32] Instead of having the head of an eagle, the griffins of Xadia have the head of an owl.[23] These creatures also live in the Silvergrove, where they are used as a means of travel.[33]

Horned Lyrelizards[]

Horned Lyrelizards are horned lizard-like creatures.[16]

Ice Behemoths[]

Ice Behemoths are gigantic creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal. They have a lifespan of at least 300 years, their bodies are made of ice, and they can create blizzards and ice storms.[34]

Innean Chickens[]

Innean chickens are native to the floating city of Innean and were cultivated as livestock. These chickens have crossed beaks, with the top angling a bit to one side and the bottom to the other, due to being used to being hand-fed. Together with Innean Pigs, they replaced teddy bears as comfort stuffed animals in the city.[35]

Innean Pigs[]

Innean pigs are native to the floating city of Innean and were cultivated as livestock. They are roughly the size of a French bulldog and have developed short wool to stay warm at high altitudes, as well as short horns for digging grubs out from between cobblestones. They are very trusting and enjoy bellyrubs.[35]


Kookaburrow are shovel-nosed bird-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal. They resemble a kookaburra in digging behavior.[2]


Krakens are large cephalopod-like creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal.[27]

Lavascale Lizards[]

Lavascale Lizards are orange lizard-like creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. Their skin is maroon with orange spots along their legs and ridges on their back. They are native to the Border, often living in nests of hot magma pools.[10]


Leaflynxes are feline mammalian creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal. They resemble and are as large as a Shadowpaw with red eyes, being primarily green with purple and yellow leaf-like mane around their neck, and a purple lower jaw. Their horns are longer, curved, and are pink in color. Their legs and claws are a deeper purple. They inhabit forests.[36]


Leviathans are massive and powerful fish-like creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal.[37] They have dark to light green scales, six barbels on their snouts, translucent light green fins, a bright green tongue, and four eyes.[30] They inhabit both fresh and saltwater environments, and can create whirlpools to pull potential prey under.[28] They are also sometimes hunted for their meat.[31]

Longneck Hillwolves[]

Longneck Hillwolves are a breed of creatures that resemble carnivorous, fanged alpacas that roam the mountains near Innean. They can also be found in the kingdom of Duren where they occasionally attack. Though mostly uninterested in humanoids, they hungrily chase chickens and pigs and are happy to bite at the terrified people as they either try to escape with livestock in tow or generally shriek at the sight of the beasts.[35]

Baby Longneck Hillwolves have a strong resemblance to the rare Shortneck Valley Dogs.[10]

Magma Titans[]

Magma Titans are large humanoid beings that are connected to the Sun Primal. They mainly appear as giants covered in a plated armor of rocks and lava. The hearts of Magma Titans can be used in a dark magic spell that can warm barren lands and cultivate crops.[38]

Magmatic Shelled Hermit Crabs[]

Magmatic Shelled Hermit Crabs (or "Magma Crawlers") are green-shelled crabs native to the Border that are connected to the Earth Primal. They do not get along with Dawnbringers and they hatch from blue-green eggs.[10]


Mantigrades are seemingly harmless, tardigrade-like creatures that absorb nutrients from the air. If exposed to a large source of grass to feast on, these insects will transform into gleaming bright-white creatures resembling an orchid mantis in both looks and size, with wide, hungry eyes and a coiled, muscular exoskeletal frame. In this state, they are known to attack people with the intention to eat the nutrients from their skin and do so with an unexpected strength.[39]

Marsh Toads[]

Marsh Toads are toad-like creatures that live in the Evenere swamplands.[2]

Moon Phoenixes[]

Moon Phoenixes are large bird-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. Like phoenixes in contemporary mythology, they can be reborn after dying, being consumed in their unique blue flames before burning to ashes. After dying, they will leave behind a "ghost feather", which can be used in a rebirth ritual at the Moon Nexus.[40] During the cycle of rebirth, their eggs appear in a silver color.[40] Their feathers and blood are often harvested as ingredients for dark magic spells.[14]


Moonstriders are slim and tall canine creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. They are used as one of the Silvergrove's primary mounts. The Moonstrider is a notoriously stubborn and solitary creature. Far more difficult to tame than the Shadowpaw, they require an experienced rider with the patience to challenge the creature’s prideful nature.


Mushpals are mushroom-shaped humanoids that are connected to the Earth Primal. They can range in size from as small as Adoraburrs to as tall as humans. Their caps can produce green spores that can put anyone to sleep, and they use mushroom caps to differentiate friends from foes.[41]

Musk Bears[]

Musk Bears are bear-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal and are native to Del Bar's mountain ranges. They have thick fur and long, broad horns and are said to be hostile, live in forests as well as engage in wrestling matches with the people of Del Bar.[2]

Neolandian Elephants[]

Neolandian Elephants are native to Neolandia, they are massive with long tusks. They are known to be wise and are revered by Neolandia's people. Disrespecting them is considered unforgivable.[2]


Owls are birds that are connected to the Moon Primal. Their feathers can be used to weave magical cloaks that may be used by Moonshadow Elf mages.[42]


Parrots are birds that are known for their colorful plumage and capability to understand and mimic speeches.[43]


Pegasus are horse like creatures with wings and they were the many creatures that were captured by mages to use in magic spells.

Puddlewave Bugs[]

Puddlewave Bugs are insect-like creatures that live in the Evenere swamplands.[2]


Puffer-Bats are bat-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal. Their body is covered in white fur, while the color of their wings and ears is orange. Their essence can be used to cast a dark magic spell that allows people to breathe in the thin air at high altitudes, but they have to be captured when they are at "peak-of-puff".[44]

Purple Pentapi[]

Purple Pentapi are octopus-like creatures with five arms that are connected to the Ocean Primal. Their essence can be used in a dark magic spell that allows its caster to breathe underwater.[45]

Pyrepuff Birds[]

Pyrepuff Birds are bird-like creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. Their chicks are small and round.[10]


Rhingos are rhinoceros-like creatures that have the horn and armor of a beetle. They do not have any natural predators, though they love a good fight.[10]


Ringlings are small lemur-like creatures that are connected to the Earth Primal and move on four hooves.[2]


Rootsnoots are tapir-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. While they might look humble, they are in fact prideful and extremely protective of their territories.[10]


Scraptors are raptor-like creatures that will bite the fingers of others when hungry.[10]

Sea Anemones[]

These creatures may look like plants, but they are actually sea creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They can grow to the size of boxing gloves and can deliver powerful electric shocks that can stun or paralyze their prey and predators.[27]

Sea Serpents[]

Sea Serpents are large serpentine sea creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal.[27]


Seraphswans are gigantic swan-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal and are large enough to carry settlements on their backs.[2]

Shadow Spiders[]

No information besides name available yet.[7]


Shadow-Eaters are mysterious creatures that are known to avoid daylight. One notable Shadow-Eater was haunting the southern Moonshadow Elf tribes until it was destroyed by Avizandum during his reign as the King of the Dragons.[46]


Shadowpaws are horned feline creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. They are used as one of the Silvergrove's primary mounts. Despite enormous physical strength and ferocity under duress, the Shadowpaw was the first creature companion to the Moonshadow Elves. The Shadowpaw's protective, familial nature proved a natural match to the elves' reclusive, intimate lifestyles. They are known to be so protective of their den and offspring that even Moonshadow Elf children know to stay away.[10]


Shimmercrows are crow-like creatures that are connected to the Star Primal. Their feathers resemble the visage if the cosmos, and they also have red, blue, and green dots that shimmer like the stars.[47]

Shortneck Valley Dogs[]

Shortneck Valley Dogs are rare dog-like creatures that resemble baby Longneck Hillwolves.[10]

Silver-Eyed Foxes[]

No information besides name available yet.[7]


Slowusks are six-eyed snails the size of a chihuahua that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They perch and move almost imperceptibly.[2]

Smoke Bees[]

Smoke Bees are bee-like creatures that create trails of smoke when they fly. When many are rattled up, they can create a smokescreen that can limit a person's sight.[31]


Snickeries are chipmunk-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal that can camouflage like a chameleon. They are known to be masterful thieves and enjoy angering Moonshadow Elves with their mischief.[2]

Soilmonger Beetles[]

Soilmonger Beetles are beetle-like creatures that live in the Evenere swamplands.[2]

Solar Remoras[]

Solar Remoras are remora-like creatures that are rumored to live in the deserts of Neolandia.[2]

Soulfang Serpents[]

Soulfang Serpents are snake-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal.[48] They dwell in the black sands of the Midnight Desert in Xadia and their bite consumes the spirit of their prey, turning their bodies into barely living husks.[6]

Spike Weasels[]

Spike Weasels are weasel-like creatures.[16]

Spotted Lava Cranes[]

Spotted Lava Cranes are birds that migrate to the Border.[10]

Starweaver Spiders[]

Starweaver Spiders are spiders that are connected to the Star Primal.[2] They are roughly the same size as a regular spider, but their bodies are transparent and appear to be made of some form of crystal. Their silk is said to be inscribed with the story of the heavens. It is also sturdy and can be made into various things; hammocks, underwear, blindfolds, and even magical wings for elves who are not born with them.[36] Their venom, when ingested or injected, is harmless, but will cause one's spirit to become sensitive to starlight, which can assist in finding their inner truth.[49]

Stone Giants[]

Stone Giants are large humanoid beings that are connected to the Earth Primal.[2] They possess rock-like skin with grass or moss as their hair. Their diet consists primarily of roots, trees, and rocks. They can also use rye flour to make bread.[26]


Sunbirds are bird-like creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. They are known for their beautiful plumage[14] and their symbiotic relationship with Sol Regem,[50] but they can occasionally annoy him.[2] Sunbirds can also be tamed and used to deliver messages.[44]

Sunray Monarchs[]

Sunray Monarchs[15] are colorful butterflies that are connected to the Sun Primal. When their essence is combined with dark magic, they can create an illusion spell capable of altering one's appearance.[51] They do not consume regular food, instead feeding on the energy of crystals.[23] They do not only gain energy from crystals, but also the sun, for they will gain the energy to glow at night after prolonged exposure to the summer sun.[2]

Swamp Toads[]

Swamp Toads are massive toads the size of a horse that are connected to the Ocean Primal. They can flatten themselves into a liquid-like body with a pair of eyes.[2]

Three-Eyed Nightfoxes[]

Three-Eyed Nightfoxes are fox-like creatures native to Xadia. They are described as hunters and beasts of deadly fang. Their eyes are pale green and they have black, coiled tails.[52] They are known to hunt west of the Border as they are aware of the Moonshadow Path.[2]

Three-Toed River Rabbits[]

Three-Toed River Rabbits are rabbit-like creatures whose hairs can be used as ingredients for dark magic spells.[24]

Twin-Tailed Inferno-Tooth Tigers[]

Twin-Tailed Inferno-Tooth Tigers are winged, horned feline creatures that are connected to the Sun Primal. It is said that they can sense the light and the darkness within a person's heart, and will attack if it senses evil thoughts.

Sunfire Elves have domesticated some of them as mounts, but this is dangerous due to their unpredictable aggression. Even one who has been a peaceful companion for years may attack its rider.


Unicorns were horned horse-like creatures that are connected to the Star Primal. They were known to be poached for their horns to craft dark magic recipes.[32] Unicorns were considered to be the most selfless beings in Xadia, as it was them who bestowed the gift of magic upon the humans, despite being warned by the elves that humans should not be trusted. The unicorns taught humans how to craft Primal Stones, how to draw runes to focus their power, and how to speak Ancient Draconic to release the spells. But when dark magic was invented, the horns of unicorns were believed to be the most valuable and sought-after prize in Xadia. As a result, the humans hunted the unicorns to the point where they completely disappeared from Xadia.[15]

Unnamed Avian Creature[]

These unnamed avian creatures are large birds with five eyes.[14]

Unnamed Bat Creature[]

These unnamed bat creatures resemble regular bats, but they have blue fur, large ears, and wing membranes with coloration that starts with blue and ends with purple.[16]

Unnamed Beaked Creature[]

These unnamed creatures are avians with four talon-like legs, leather wings, long tail with a small fin at the end, and a feather crest similar to that of a rooster. They sport two twisted dark blue horns on their heads and have pale eyes.[23]

Unnamed Bicorn Creature[]

These unnamed horse-like creatures have two horns and a mane running down their neck.[14]

Unnamed Bunny[]

These unnamed bunny creatures are connected to the Moon Primal and are native to the Moonshadow Forest. They appear in a black coat with light gray fur around their eyes, and skin of the same shade on the insides of their ears. A pair of horns with turquoise markings grows from their heads.[19]

Unnamed Deer Creature[]

These unnamed deer creatures resemble regular deer, but they have salmon-pink and white-colored fur, with light blue eyes and white antlers.[16]

Unnamed Feline Creature[]

These unnamed feline creatures have big bushy manes, curled teal horns, two tails, as well as peacock-like tendrils sticking out from the tip of their tails and their mane.[14][23]

Unnamed Snail[]

These unnamed iridescent snails inhabit the Uncharted Forest. Their essence can be used in a dark magic spell.[53]

Unnamed Squirrel[]

These unnamed squirrels are squirrel-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal. The furry animals, whose fur appears in blue and yellow shades, are native to the Moonshadow Forest.[5]

Venom Wyrms[]

Venom Wyrms are dragon or snake-like creatures whose blood is said to be poisonous. If its blood seeps into the water, anyone foolish enough to drink from it will die shortly after.[2]

Violet Pandorums[]

Violet Pandorums are rare creatures resembling red pandas, which are connected to the Moon Primal. Recharging their magic from the moon at night, they utilize the waves of pale purple light to float while awake, as well as to repel anyone who gets too close. This moonlight may also be turned into orbs that can be used as a projectile. They are known to seek noble beings to give their life meaning. While unable to speak in a traditional sense, they are able to communicate via telepathy.[39]

Wind Elks[]

Wind Elks are rare elk-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal. The blood from their antlers can be used in a dark magic spell that can cure a breathing illness.[49]


Wolves are creatures that live in the woods of Katolis and as a pack. However they will abandon or desert those who cannot keep up with the pack.[2]

Xadian Singing-Weasels[]

Xadian Singing-Weasels are weasel-like creatures native to Xadia. They differ between alto, soprano, and tenor specimens. Their mummified paws can be used for dark magic spells that steal an individual's voice or breath.[14]

Xadian Songbirds[]

Xadian Songbirds are bird-like creatures native to Xadia, but also present in Katolis, a notable one being Pip. Not much is known about them except that they love to sing and can be tamed as pets.[14]

Xadian Squids[]

Xadian Squids are massive squids that are connected to the Ocean Primal that are native to the Frozen Sea. They can grow up to the size of ships and can appear red in color with green eyes. Their mantles can be mistaken for islands.[2]

Xadian Wolves[]

Xadian Wolves[14] are wolf-like creatures that are connected to the Moon Primal.[15]


Zaphoppers are grasshopper-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal. They emit electricity when they rub their legs together.[46]

Zapper Beetles[]

Zapped Beetles are beetle-like creatures that are connected to the Sky Primal.[16]


Zogmoppets are eel-like creatures that are connected to the Ocean Primal that are native to the marshes of Evenere. They fold their long bodies into legs to move around land in a dance-like walk.[2]


  1. The Dragon Prince Official Website - World
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 Tales of Xadia - Official Handbook
  3. Through the Moon AmA
  4. The Dragon Prince Official Website - Sightseeing in Xadia: Adoraburrs
  5. 5.0 5.1 Book Three, Chapter 2: "The Crown"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Book Three, Chapter 5: "Heroes and Masterminds"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 The Dragon Prince Official Primal Source Quiz
  8. 8.0 8.1 Book One, Chapter 1: "Echoes of Thunder"
  9. Book Three, Chapter 9: "The Final Battle"
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 The Dragon Prince: Xadia
  11. Book Three, Chapter 1: "Sol Regem"
  12. 12.0 12.1 Book Two, Chapter 9: "Breathe"
  13. Chasing Shadows - Part Three
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 Callum's Spellbook
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Book One: Moon (Novel)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 Dreamer's Nightmare
  17. Strangers
  18. 18.0 18.1 Book Five, Chapter 5: "Archmage Akiyu"
  19. 19.0 19.1 Bloodmoon Huntress (Novel)
  20. Rise Again
  21. Book Four, Chapter 7: "Beneath the Surface"
  22. Book One, Chapter 4: "Bloodthirsty"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 The Art of The Dragon Prince
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Book Two: Sky (Novel)
  25. The Dragon Prince Official Twitter - Fairies
  26. 26.0 26.1 Puzzle House
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Book Five, Chapter 8: "Finnegrin's Wake"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Book Five, Chapter 7: "Sea Legs"
  29. Book One, Chapter 2: "What is Done"
  30. 30.0 30.1 Book One, Chapter 5: "An Empty Throne"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Book Five, Chapter 6: "Bait & Switch"
  32. 32.0 32.1
  33. Book Seven, Chapter 7: "The Titan and the King"
  34. Book Six, Chapter 5: "Moonless Night"
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Tales of Xadia - Lost Oasis
  36. 36.0 36.1 Book Six, Chapter 4: "The Starscraper"
  37. Deep Below
  38. Book Two, Chapter 6: "Heart of a Titan"
  39. 39.0 39.1 Tales of Xadia - The Gloaming Glade
  40. 40.0 40.1 Through the Moon
  41. Book Six, Chapter 2: "Love, War & Mushrooms"
  42. Tales of Xadia - Feathershawl's cloak
  43. Book Two, Chapter 4: "Voyage of the Ruthless"
  44. 44.0 44.1 Book Four, Chapter 2: "Fallen Stars"
  45. Book Five, Chapter 9: "Infantis Sanguine"
  46. 46.0 46.1 All Storms End
  47. Book Seven, Chapter 4: "Unfinished Business"
  48. Through the Moon Live Q&A
  49. 49.0 49.1 Book Six, Chapter 6: "Moment of Truth"
  50. Animationscoop - Interview with the creators
  51. Book Three, Chapter 3: "Ghost"
  52. The Dragon Prince Official Website - Runaan's Birthday
  53. Lost Child


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